Books on Church Leadership

The following are some of my favorite books on leadership. If you are looking for opportunities to influence others for Christ, or find yourself considering an office in the church, then these books are worth reading:


Biblical Eldership

I was first introduced to this book back in the summer of 2000.  It was an eye opener.  I then had the pleasure of meeting the author.  He lives and breathes what he has written.



Courageous Leadership

While this book offers many insights, I find myself often referring to Hybels advice when looking for new leaders to add to a team.  He refers to three C’s – competency, character and chemistry.

A person needs to be competent, good at what they do, and capable of doing the job.  They also have to have biblical character.  When I think of character, I think of the words in 1 Timothy where it talks about the qualifications for Elders and Deacons.  Then chemistry, the person needs to be able to work well with others.


I have wished in the past when looking to place people on a board that I paid more attention to the advice in this book.


The Peacemaker

Lets just make this very clear.  If you ever find yourself in a leadership position, there will be people who will at minimum work against you, there will be some who will hate you, and to be honest, there will be some who really hurt you.  This book while not on leadership specifically, is a great tool to help you deal with the conflict that will inevitably come your way.  Knowing how to deal with it from a biblical perspective is key.


Who Moved My Cheese


Leaders On Leadership


They Call Me Pastor